What is the implementation cost?

27 Apr 2024

VeriDoc Global

Implementation costs differ from client to client. In saying that, to integrate VeriDoc Global as a plugin into a client’s existing server, VeriDoc Global will work as an API to fetch information from client’s domain. To do this, the API will conduct transactions on VeriDoc Global server on behalf of client. This will require our development team to calculate the effort and number of hours required in integrating VeriDoc Global services into client’s existing domain. Thus, the cost of implementation will be directly proportional to the hours of work required for integration.

Secondly, each implementation will require one or more template designs dedicated for each document type that the user wants to create documents for. This will also form part of implementation cost.

Also, VDG tokens are used to pay for transactions and to send data to the blockchain. The utility token covers the fees that are associated with creating a new record, such as gas on the Ethereum blockchain.In addition to using gas to perform computations, gas is also used to pay miners who provide their resources to the Ethereum blockchain, in the form of a transaction fee.

Gas is a special unit that quantifies the amount of work needed to perform actions on the Ethereum blockchain. Much like a car which requires a certain amount of gas to get from Point A to Point B, actions performed on the Ethereum network require a certain amount of gas to complete.